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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Make Money Posting Ads on Craigslist


It is really easy to make money posting ads on Craigslist. Craigslist is one of the most visited sites in the world, and that provides an opportunity like no other. That means, you have millions of people who you can promote any kind of product to for free. All it takes is a few minuets of work, and you can be making some serious money on Craigslist.
To make money posting ads on Craigslist, we will have to basically find products to promote as an affiliate. I personally would use an affiliate marketing network such as ClickBank to find a quality product to promote. But, you can of course go with any other affiliate network you would like.
With that said, here is how to make money posting ads on Craigslist:

1. Register with ClickBank
Go to and if you don’t already have one, get yourself an account. It’s free and it takes less than a minuet. Please note that you can use any other affiliate network you would like. I am just using ClickBank here for illustration purposes, and the fact that CB is by far one of the biggest affiliate networks out there.
2. Select a product to promote
Sign in into your ClickBank account, and from your account home page find and click on the “Marketplace” button. There you will have a list of products you can pick to promote on Craigslist. You can brows products by category to narrow your search down.
If you are a beginner, I would go with products that are hot. It’s easier to make money with popular products since you dont have to convince anyone to buy the product.
I know, some people say that popular products have more competition, so they are harder to compete against. But, remember that you don’t need a website to make money with this method. So, we are not going to build a website and drive traffic through search engines yo promote the product, so we don’t have to worry about SEO and competing with other sites to rank high. We will be posting ads on Craigslist as a way to promote the product.
Since we don’t have to worry about competition, it makes sense to go with a product that is already popular and selling like hot cake, which means its much easier for you to sell the product as a affiliate.
3. Get your affiliate link
Now that you have chosen a product to promote, its time to get your special affiliate link that you can use to promote the product. This link will have a special code in it, so anytime anyone clicks on that link and buys the product, the product owner will know you have send them that buyer, so you will get credit for that sale.
To get you affiliate link, simply click the “Promote” button next to the product description. A pop up window will open, click the “Create” button in the pop up window. This will automatically create a HTML code with your special link embedded in it. Copy the HTML code and save it somewhere.
4. Write your ad
To make money using Craigslist and ClickBank, you need to write a short, yet compelling ad copy to post on Craigslist. this ad will obviously be about the product you want to promote. If you don’t know how to write the ad, or what to use, simply visit the sale’s page of the product you have chosen to promote, and use some of the text provided there for your ad. After all, most of these product sales page are written by professionals who know how to get the attention of the visitors enticing them to click the buy it button. So, why not take advantage of whats already working!
Make money posting ads on craigslist
5. Post your ad on Craigslist
Now its time to go to Craigslist to post our ad. Go to, and navigate to “For Sale” section. From there, simply click on the “Post” button on the upper right corner of the page.
Then choose a category and proceed to the next page. On the next page, you will be asked to specify a location where you want your classified ad to appear. You can choose any location you like, no matter where you live.
The next page is where you will put your actual ad info, such as title and description. Put your ad title and description in the appropriate fields. Now, this is very important, you remember that HTML code we saved earlier from ClickBank? Now its time to paste that right into the description filed right at the end of the ad description. Once you have filled out all the filed, simply click next.
It would also be a good idea to add an image to your ad. It has been shown over and over again that ads with images, get much more clicks on Craigslist than ads that have no image. You can actually use an image from the product sales page, or simply search for public domain images on the web, and choose an appropriate one.
Now click on the “Add/Edit Images” button. Click the “Choose File” button to select the image you have saved on your computer. Once done, click continue.
On the next page, you will be reviewing the ad to ensure everything is correct. Make sure your affiliate link is working properly, there is no grammar mistakes or misspellings. You want the ad to look professional. If everything looks good, click the “Continue” button.
Once you’ve posted your ad, CL will send you an email to confirm the ad posting. Click the link in your email so your ad can go live.
6. Post more ads (in other cities)
That’s it, you are done! Now, it’s a matter of people seeing the ad, clicking on it, and hopefully buying the product you are promoting.
Of course, posting just one ad is ok, and you will make some money. But imagine how much more you can make with more ads.
For example; let’s say the product you choose to promote pays $25 commission for each sale. If you post one ad and manage to get one sale out of it each day, you can make $25 a day. Now imagine how much more you could make posting more ads in different cities.
So, you will want to post as many ads as you can in as many cities as possible. Ideally, you could use the same ad text for different cities. However, with Craigslist, you will have to wait a few days before posting the exact same ad. So, you will have to change the text of your ad just a little to make it unique.
7. Watch your ClickBank account grow
It really is an amazing feeling when you get your first Clickbank sale. You just get hooked on it. You want more and more. Which is a good thing (unlike most other addictions!). It will be a good motivator for you to work harder, posting more ads, as well as trying other promotional methods to promote affiliate products, enabling you to make more money.

Of course, you can scale this up and promote other products as well. It really is an easy way to use Craigslist to earn money without investment. You will have access to millions of visitors without spending a penny on traffic generation. It just can’t get any easier than this. This is how you can earn money posting ads on Craigslist.


  1. I made some money using this system. Very good!!!!

  2. I want to sell my clickbank product website, it's %100 autoupdated,


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