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Monday, January 4, 2016

4 Proven Ways To Make Real Money Online In 2016 and Beyond!

make real money

There are different ways to make real money online. In the past years, we have tried most of these money making methods. While some are seasonal, a few of them are evergreen, being able to constantly put money in our wallets at all times.

One of the basic things you need to generate income on the Internet is traffic. The more targeted readers you get on your site or blog, the more any monetizing attempt can increase your earnings.

In this post, I won't be dwelling on how to drive targeted target. Harsh and his guest authors have published a lot of awesome posts on this blog on how to drive traffic. Here are some of these articles I recommend you find time to read:

If you spend a little more time on this blog, you're going to locate impressive materials that will help you take your blog from a ghost town to a very busy marketplace.

4 Ways To Make Real Money In 2016 and Beyond!

Let's now look at some methods to make real money online. Take note that while you may want to try out all these methods, it's recommended to focus on one or two and gain the required expertise before embracing the next method.

1 – Become an online Coach:

Become an online coach

If you are an expert in your industry, one of the ways to add to your income stream is to set up a coaching program online. Technological growth has made it impressively easy to create membership sites where you can offer your coaching programs and be paid.

There is a huge dose of contradictory information in every industry out on the web, and many people want experts to help point them to the right path. Whether you are a Fashion expert, fitness expert, pet expert, finance expert, relationship expert, etc., in today's information age,  you can do well establishing yourself as a go-to person in your industry.

One of the problems folks face today is being able to create professional membership sites without hurting their savings.

For most coaching programs, videos are a most. That's why you need a video distribution platform that's cost effective, having all the features you need for both free and paid coaching programs. You can use online services such as Udemy to launch your online course. For WordPress, you should look at membership software's & plugins to launch your course. One of them is MemberPress which is a popular solution for launching your video based membership site.

Other tools you will need are professional cameras, video editing software, etc. You may also want to try out some popularly used video software like CamtasiaCamStudio and Screencast-O-Matic .


2 – Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is by far the best way for anyone to make money online. It doesn't require you creating any products or dealing with delivery or customer service.

The product owner does all the hard work (before and after sales), and all you do is drive traffic to it and earn commissions from sales. In most cases, the author goes as far as providing the promotions materials (banners, PPC Keywords, Articles, etc.) for affiliates to simply copy and paste.

Though this seems to be a quick way to make a penny, it's rather very tricky and requires some skills. Some traditional ways of doing affiliate marketing have lost their momentum. Doing Article Marketing or posting banners on your site (for instance) may not generate required results.

Harsh has published an awesome post on how to promote affiliate products on your blog:

He also has an A-Z guide for beginners on Affiliate Marketing. Check out and download your copy below:

3 – Release a digital product:

One of the ways I started making money online was by creating a platform for bloggers. Before I sold out that platform in 2012, it had generated over $14k (within a year) in profit.

Since then, I have created several other digital products and most of my earnings online have come from the sales generated by my products.
Most people think they have to be experts in an industry to author a product. That's not correct! All you need is a profitable idea. The next step will be to hire writers or coders on platforms like Truelancer, UPwork, Freelancers, etc.

Put your brain to work! Come up with a money making an idea. You can be an author of the next hot ebook or software that generates income while you are on holidays.

4 – Try Direct Advertising:

Remember I mentioned above that you need targeted traffic to be able to make money online. If your blog or websites get some reasonable traffic, one of the ways to monetize and generate income is to sell ad space.

Some of your readers will find it valuable to buy space on your blog if you proof to them that you have the required exposure. Harsh, for example, has created this Advertise page where he gives relevant information about his community and exposure. This attracts many of his readers who have products or services to sell to his audience.

Note however that how much you charge depends on a number of factors, including your traffic, user engagement, etc.

Once you have decided to sell out space on your blog, you may want to try out ads platforms like BuySellAds or use plugins like OIO Publisher to personally manage ad space on your blog.

If you want to make real money online anytime from now, I recommend you consider one or more or these methods. Once you have the required traffic and implement any of these rightly, you are certainly going to generate more income. Here are valuable hand-picked guides to help you master the art of making money from your blog:

If you find this article useful, kindly share it on social media as you drop your comment below for some engagement.

This post is contributed by Enstine Muki. If you would like to share an informative guide for ShoutMeLoud bloggers community, you can join in here.

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